Akka HTTP with OverLayer
Akka HTTP SetupThis part will be focusing on setting up an Akka HTTP Server. The code will be somewhat identical to the Sangria's official docs.
Akka HTTP no OverLayer setupWe will start with a simple Akka HTTP setup not taking account OverLayer at the moment.
import akka.http.scaladsl.Httpimport akka.http.scaladsl.server.Directives._import akka.http.scaladsl.server.Routeimport akka.http.scaladsl.marshallers.sprayjson.SprayJsonSupportimport sangria.marshalling.sprayJson._import spray.json.JsValueimport /* path to file */.Schemaimport /* path to file */.Contextimport /* path to file */.Implicits._
object Main extends SprayJsonSupport {
implicit val executionContext = system.executionContext
// Simple Routing DSL val route: Route = { (post & path("graphql") & entity(as[JsValue])) { req => handle(req, Schema.t ???) } ~ path(Remaining) { _ => getFromResource("assets/playground.html") } }
// Run the server def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { Http() .newServerAt("localhost", 4000) .bind(route) }
def handle(js: JsValue, schema: Schema[Context, Unit], ctx: Ctx): Route = ???}
Adding the SingletonsLet's add the missing singletons used for the Context.
import ...import /* path to file */.Channelimport /* path to file */.MessageStore
object Main extends SprayJsonSupport { // ...
val channel = new Channel()
val store = new MessageStore()
val route: Route = { (post & path("graphql") & entity(as[JsValue])) { req => handle(req, schema ???) } ~ path(Remaining) { _ => getFromResource("assets/playground.html") } }
// ...
Akka Websocket SetupNow let's setup the proper subscription through websocket.
Using the required ActorSystem.OverLayer required a specific behavior for the main actor to allow spawning its own actors. This can be done easily by using OverTransportLayer
or .behavior
Implicits.scala (using makeSystem)
import akka.actor.typed.{ActorSystem, SpawnProtocol}import akka.stream.Materializerimport akka.actor.typed.scaladsl.Behaviorsimport io.github.dexclaimation.overlayer.OverTransportLayer
object Implicits { implicit val actorSystem: ActorSystem[SpawnProtocol.Command] = OverTransportLayer.makeSystem("MainActorSystem")
implicit val materializer: Materializer = Materializer.createMaterializer(system)}
Adding OverLayerMain.scala
import ...import io.github.dexclaimation.overlayer.OverTransportLayer
object Main extends SprayJsonSupport { // ...
val transport = OverTransportLayer(Schema.t, ()) // <- default to use `subscriptions-transport-ws`
val route: Route = { (post & path("graphql") & entity(as[JsValue])) { req => handle(req, schema, Context(store, channel)) } ~ path("graphql" / "websocket") { transport.applyMiddleware(Context(store, channel)) } ~ path(Remaining) { _ => getFromResource("assets/playground.html") } }
// ...}
That's it. That few lines added was all that it takes to add in OverLayer into an existing Akka HTTP GraphQL Server.
Example requestYou can immediately try this out on a GraphQL Browser IDE like graphql-playground
and Apollo Sandbox.
Here is an example:
- subscription
- mutation
subscription { roomLobby { id content authorName }}
{ "data": { "roomLobby": { "id": "c9e6e890-9850-4dee-a7b3-685423272c86", "content": "Hello Friends!!", "authorName": "Me" } }}
Still Listening...
Websocket Messages
- {"type": "connection_init", "payload": {}}- {"type": "connection_ack"}- {"type": "ka"}- {"type": "start", "id": "1", "payload": {"query": "subscription { roomLobby { id content authorName } }" }- {"type": "data", "id": "1", "payload": {"data": { "roomLobby": { "id": "c9e6e890-9850-4dee-a7b3-685423272c86", "content": "Hello Friends!!", "authorName": "Me" } } }
mutation { send(msg: "Hello Friends!!", by: "Me") { id }}
{ "data": { "send": { "id": "c9e6e890-9850-4dee-a7b3-685423272c86" } }}